Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms setting in

I woke up this morning with a pounding headache. I immediately remembered this pain back around 3-4 years ago when I was drinking far too many energy drinks for my own good and then went off them for winter break. This isn't nearly as bad as that experience was, but still comparable.

Another sign that my body needs carbs is that I had a muffin and that completely woke me up. I typically leave that job up to caffeine, but since that's gone, the effect of carbs is much more prominent.

I think the caffeine withdrawals should be gone by Thursday, but we'll see...


  1. Haha, well, thats what you get for not maintaining a healthy lifestyle! You never know when you'll need it :D

  2. Yeah... I eat fairly healthy right now, but my major vice is definitely soda. It's a hard habit to kick. I'm drinking TONS of water to make up for it, so I guess that's a good side effect haha.
