Monday, June 21, 2010

Uberman - Day 1 Recap 6/20 -> 6/21

Today is a short day as I started my first nap at 4 pm. I will usually do recaps in 12 am - 11:59 pm days, but Day 1 and 2 will be a bit off because of the random start time.

Anyway, so far so good. It is currently 5:10 am and I feel fine. The 4:00 pm nap went ok. I napped for maybe 5-10 min, which was surprising considering I got 9 hours of sleep that day.

The 8:00 pm nap also went the same. I think I may have gotten closer to 5 minutes of sleep during that, but was in that state of mind where you are mostly asleep, but still conscious.

The 12:00 am nap was the worst. I was restless and couldn't keep my mind quiet. I am a night owl by nature, so I expected this going into it. I got no sleep and couldn't even make it to the aforementioned midway point between awake and asleep. It was bad. Because of that, I was much more tired throughout the 12-4 am time period. This especially hit right around 3:00 am and the last hour until the nap was a little tough, but manageable.

The 4:00 am nap was great. I fell asleep in around 5 minutes and slept like a baby until my alarms went off. I, of course, didn't get REM sleep, but it still refreshed me some. I'm reserving working out for when I get tired so in the mean time I will just play some video games, watch tv, or possibly start storyboarding the novel I want to write.

Overall, I'm very happy with the first day. I haven't had any major difficulties staying awake. This whole time paradigm thing is already hitting me though. I forgot to brush my teeth around 1 am (when I used to go to bed monophasically) and didn't get around to it until 5 am when I finally remembered. I'm also going to need to remember to change clothes. I've been sleeping in my shirt and socks in an attempt to keep from getting TOO comfortable, so I need to remember to change them out.

It's also very weird being the only one awake right now. My girlfriend is in my room sleeping and room mate is in his room sleeping. Usually my room mate is the night owl (he stayed up until 3 am), so it's weird being awake longer than him.

I'm also noticing a spike in my desire to do things I wouldn't typically want to do. Things like organizing my desk, clean the dishes, or clean up my room. This may be because I mentally prepared myself to find ways to stay awake, but as tiredness becomes more prevalent (which it is as I'm writing this), I just get this subconscious desire to do something lame like that over playing a fun game or something. Maybe I will get into a good habit of cleaning up because of this, maybe not. It all depends on how well it sticks after the adaptation phase.

For now, I need to stop writing. I am getting more and more tired as I progress through this and I don't want to get so tired I have to resort to one of my wakeup tactics. I will keep you updated on day 2, which I expect to be MUCH worse. That day will consist of the time between my 4 am nap up to 11:59 pm today.

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